Courses A to A
- Australian Institute of Skills - TLI31222 Certificate III in Driving Operations
- Australian Institute of Skills - TLIA1001 Secure Cargo
- Australian Institute of Skills - TLIF0005 Apply a Fatigue Risk Management System
- Australian Institute of Skills - TLIF0006 Administer a Fatigue Risk Management System
- Australian Institute of Skills - TLIF0009 Ensure the Safety of Transport Activities (Chain of Responsibility)
- Australian Institute of Skills - TLIF0014 Monitor the safety of transport activities (Chain of Responsibility)
- Australian Institute of Social Relations - CHC32015 Certificate III in Community Services
- Australian Institute of Social Relations - CHC40421 Certificate IV in Youth Work
- Australian Institute of Social Relations - CHC42021 Certificate IV in Community Services
- Australian Institute of Social Relations - CHC43315 Certificate IV in Mental Health
- Australian Institute of Social Relations - CHC43515 Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work
- Australian Institute of Social Relations - CHC51015 Diploma of Counselling
- Australian Institute of Social Relations - CHC51122 Diploma of Financial Counselling
- Australian Institute of Social Relations - CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
- Australian Institute of Social Relations - CHC81115 Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution
- Australian Institute of Social Relations - CHCSS00103 Mental Health Peer Work Skill Set
- Australian Institute of Technical Training - AUR30620 Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology
- Australian Institute of Technical Training - AUR40216 Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical Diagnosis
- Australian Institute of Technical Training - AUR50116 Diploma of Automotive Management
- Australian Institute of Technical Training - CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
- Australian Institute of Technical Training - SIT30821 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- Australian Institute of Technical Training - SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
- Australian Institute of Technical Training - SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management
- Australian Institute of Technical Training - SIT60322 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management
- Australian Institute of Technology Transfer - BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Customer Engagement)
- Australian Institute of Technology Transfer - BSB50120 & BSB50420 Diploma of Business & Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Australian Institute of Technology Transfer - CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
- Australian Institute of Technology Transfer - CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
- Australian Institute of Technology Transfer - TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
- Australian Institute of Technology Transfer - TAE50116 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training
- Australian Institute of Technology Transfer - TAE50216 Diploma of Training Design and Development
- Australian Institute of Work-Integrated Education and Research - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Australian Institute of Work-Integrated Education and Research - BSBXCS402 Promote Workplace Cyber Security Awareness and Best Practices
- Australian Institute of Work-Integrated Education and Research - ICT60220 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology (Cyber security & Telecommunications network engineering)
- Australian Institute of Work-Integrated Education and Research - ICT60220 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology (Cyber Security)
- Australian Institute of Work-Integrated Education and Research - ICT60220 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology (Telecommunications Network Engineering)
- Australian Institute of Work-Integrated Education and Research - MEM13019 Undertake work health and safety activities in the workplace
- Australian Institute of Work-Integrated Education and Research - MEM40119 Certificate IV in Engineering
- Australian International Beauty College - HLTINF005 Maintain infection prevention for skin penetration treatments
- Australian International Beauty College - SHB30121 Certificate III in Beauty Services
- Australian International Beauty College - SHB30215 Certficate III in Make-up
- Australian International Beauty College - SHB40121 Certificate IV in Beauty Therapy
- Australian International Beauty College - SHB50121 Diploma of Beauty Therapy
- Australian International Beauty College - SHB60118 Advanced Diploma of IPL & Laser for Hair Reduction
- Australian International Beauty College - SHBBMUP008 Certified Lash Technician Course
- Australian International Beauty College - SHBBSKT010 Advanced Skin Needling
- Australian International Beauty College - SHBBSKT011 Advanced Superficial Peels
- Australian International College - SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
- Australian International College - SIT50422 Diploma in Hospitality Management
- Australian International College - SIT60322 Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management
- Australian International College of Skills and Education - BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management
- Australian International College of Skills and Education - BSB60720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
- Australian International College of Skills and Education - BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
- Australian International College of Skills and Education - CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
- Australian International College of Skills and Education - CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support
- Australian International College of Skills and Education - CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
- Australian International College of Skills and Education - CHC43121 Certificate IV in Disability Supports
- Australian International College of Skills and Education - CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
- Australian International College of Skills and Education - CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
- Australian International College of Skills and Education - ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology
- Australian International College of Skills and Education - ICT60220 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology
- Australian International College of Skills and Education - RII60520 Advanced Diploma Of Civil Construction Design
- Australian International College of Skills and Education - SIT30821 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- Australian International College of Skills and Education - SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
- Australian International College of Skills and Education - SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management
- Australian International Institute of Technology - BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
- Australian International Institute of Technology - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Australian International Institute of Technology - BSB60420 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Australian International Institute of Technology - BSB80320 Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership
- Australian International Institute of Technology - SIT30821 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- Australian International Institute of Technology - SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
- Australian International Institute of Technology - SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management (Direct-entry)
- Australian International Institute of Technology - SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management (Packaged Pathway)
- Australian International Institute of Technology - SIT60322 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management
- Australian International Institute of Technology - SITHFAB021 Responsible Service of Alcohol
- Australian International Institute of Technology - SITSS00068 Food Handling Skill Set
- Australian International Institute of Technology - SITSS00069 Food Safety Supervision Skill Set
- Australian Leading Institute of Technology - BSB50120 Diploma of Business (Operations)
- Australian Leading Institute of Technology - BSB60420 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Australian Leading Institute of Technology - CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
- Australian Leading Institute of Technology - CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services (Case Management)
- Australian Leading Institute of Technology - CPP20218 Certificate II In Security Operations
- Australian Leading Institute of Technology - ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology
- Australian Leading Institute of Technology - ICT60220 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology
- Australian Learning Group - 11149NAT Certificate IV in Yoga Teaching
- Australian Learning Group - 11150NAT Diploma of Yoga Teaching
- Australian Learning Group - CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
- Australian Learning Group - CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing)
- Australian Learning Group - CHC42021 Certificate IV in Community Services
- Australian Learning Group - CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
- Australian Learning Group - CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
- Australian Learning Group - CHC51015 Diploma of Counselling
- Australian Learning Group - CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services
- Australian Learning Group - CHC53315 Diploma of Mental Health
- Australian Learning Group - SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness
- Australian Learning Group - SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness
- Australian Learning, Training & Education Centre - BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business
- Australian Learning, Training & Education Centre - BSB50120 Diploma of Business
- Australian Learning, Training & Education Centre - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Australian Learning, Training & Education Centre - BSB60120 Advanced Diploma of Business
- Australian Learning, Training & Education Centre - BSB60420 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Australian Learning, Training & Education Centre - BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
- Australian Learning, Training & Education Centre - BSB80320 Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership
- Australian Learning, Training & Education Centre - CPC30220 Certificate III in Carpentry
- Australian Learning, Training & Education Centre - CPC50220 Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)
- Australian Learning, Training & Education Centre - SIT30821 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- Australian Learning, Training & Education Centre - SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
- Australian Learning, Training & Education Centre - SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management
- Australian Learning, Training & Education Centre - SIT60322 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - BSB60420 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - CHCCOM006 Establish and Manage Client Relationships
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - HLT42021 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - SHB30321 Certificate III in Nail Technology
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - SHB30416 Certificate III in Hairdressing
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - SHB40121 Certificate IV in Beauty Therapy
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - SHB50121 Diploma of Beauty Therapy
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - SHB50216 Diploma of Salon Management
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - SHB50321 Diploma of Cosmetic Tattooing
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - SHBBBOS007 Apply Cosmetic Tanning Products
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - SHBBBOS009 Provide Aromatherapy Massage
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - SHBBBOS010 Use Reflexology Relaxation Techniques in Beauty Treatments
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - SHBBFAS004 Provide Lash and Brow Services
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - SHBBFAS005 Provide Facial Treatments and Skin Care Recommendations
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - SHBBHRS010 Provide Waxing Services
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - SHBBINF002 Maintain Infection Control Standards
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - SHBBMUP002 Design and Apply Make-Up
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - SHBBMUP008 Apply Eyelash Extensions
- Australian Massage and Beauty Institute - SHBBNLS007 Provide Manicure and Pedicare Services
- Australian National College - BSB30120 Certificate III in Business
- Australian National College - BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business
- Australian National College - BSB50120 Diploma of Business
- Australian National College - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Australian National College - BSB60120 Advanced Diploma of Business
- Australian National College - BSB60420 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Australian National College - BSB80320 Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership
- Australian National College - ICP31420 Certificate III in Prepress Graphic Design Production
- Australian National College - ICP40120 Certificate IV in Printing and Graphic Arts Management
- Australian National College - ICP50120 Diploma of Printing and Graphic Arts Business Management
- Australian National College - SIT30821 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - BSB40320 Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - BSB50120 Diploma of Business
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - BSB60420 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - SIT30622 Certificate III in Hospitality
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - SIT30821 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - SIT31021 Certificate III in Patisserie
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - SIT40721 Certificate IV in Patisserie
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management (Culinary)
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management (Hotel Services)
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - SIT60322 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management (Culinary)
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - SIT60322 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management (Hotel Services)
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - SITHFAB005 Prepare and serve espresso coffee
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - SITHFAB021 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol
- Australian National Institute of Business and Technology - SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- Australian National Institute of Education - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Australian National Institute of Education - BSB60420 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Australian National Institute of Education - BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
- Australian National Institute of Education - BSB80320 Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership
- Australian National Institute of Education - CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
- Australian National Institute of Education - CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support
- Australian National Institute of Education - CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
- Australian National Institute of Education - CHC43121 Certificate IV in Disability Support
- Australian National Institute of Education - CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
- Australian National Institute of Education - CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services (Case Management)
- Australian National Institute of Education - ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology
- Australian National Institute of Education - ICT60220 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology
- Australian National Institute of Education - SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
- Australian National Institute of Education - SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Accounting
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Actuarial Studies (Honours)
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Arts (Ancient Greek)
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Arts (Ancient History)
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Arts (Anthropology)
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Arts (Arabic)
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Arts (Archaeology)
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Arts (Asian Studies)
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Arts (Chinese Studies)
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Arts (Criminology)
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Arts (Digital Humanities)
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Arts (English)
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Arts (Environmental Studies)
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Arts (Geography)
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Arts (History)
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Anthropology)
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Archaeology)
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Criminology)
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Economics)
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (English)
- Australian National University - Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Environmental Studies)